Scopri il progetto

What is MooveME?
MooveMe was established within the project “Vai Mo’,” which aims to achieve a sustainable mobility plan and experimental through
the preparation of mobility services with
electric vehicles in the vesuvian area.
Our vehicles
To achieve this goal, we provide a fleet of electric vehicles, to allow the territorial mobility in the form of sharing mobility, managed mode free floating, or free to be picked up and
delivered throughout the territory through the official app of MooveMe!

With our project, we want to meet the needs of three main targets:

promoting the mobility of tourists inside the territory, and the promotion of the cultural offer of the area, with an economic return to the user

input or output, which will be facilitated in the achievement of the joints of the public transport territories with greater autonomy and simplicity

Citizens in mobility difficulties
will use shortly sustainable mobility services for access to the cultural attractions, shopping areas and urban areas-of-interest

Official partners